FASA miniatures were created during the late 1980s with the role playing game in 1985. They are lead pweter models and very finely detailed. They are still svailable second hand and there are also some recasts available too. eBay is the best place to find them though the prices are eye watering. There is much more information on the range avaibale as well as some painting guides. These ships were 1/3900 scale. They went to that scale as it is an easier conversion from meters.
A much better source now is 3D printer using a resin printer or a modern FDM printer like the Bambu Lab A1 Mini with a 0.2mm nozzle. Tycen Hopkins has remodelled most of the original ships bar a few exceptions and also many of the ships not modeled in the original range. This is a fantastic effort and gives the player a huge range on miniatures at low cost. The use of 3D prints also means the miniatures can be printed at any scale and in scale with each other, another huge bonus.
The miniatures are available as STL files from Cults 3D and Google Drive. Get then while they are still available.
If you are a provider of printed or FASA cast models please drop us a line so we can add you to the information on these pages.
Modelwerks high quality multipart FASA ships and customisation kits scalable 1:300 to 1:3900