
If micromachines were at the correct scale

Micromachines produced durable pre-painted Star Trek ships in the 2000s. They were the precursor to the Attack Wing ship range. Unfortunately they used the same size scale model so a ship that's 1300m is the same size as a ship that is 300m

What you can do is pick a set of ships that are about the same length and get a set of near scaled miniatures. For example the D7, Enterprise, Reliant and Galor are all close in scale. While the Vor'cha is ridiculously small.

I have found that larger Eaglemoss/Master Replica ships like the Enterprise D are in near scale with the Micromachines mid size ships like the D7. Though not perfect they look good in carefully selected battle groups.

These ships are pre-painted and very durable and if you use a Hawk widget from dropfleet Commander they are easy to fix to standard flying bases for a durable and flexible tabletop experience. They also have a good range so there are a number of useful models that are hard to get elsewhere.

The best source for these now is of course eBay.