Master Replicas

Master Replicas, were Eaglemoss until they went out of business. Large range of ships at same size scale, also range of XL models that have several space stations that can be used in the game. By picking ships of a similar size and scale these models can be mixed with other ranges such as attack wing or micromachines. For example the Nebula class model is about the right size as the Micromachine Miranda and Constitution. The XL Romulan Warbird is about the right scale for playing against the Nebula and Galaxy. Can also be used for limited ship encounters where the scales match up like the Ktinga and the Constitution and Miranda for like a fighter scale encounter.

They have a huge range of ships, but the stands are terrible for tabletop play as the ships fall out and break and are often too large for close range tabeltop games. You will need to modify the ships and bases for tabletop use.

They are all prepainted and they contain interesting models like the XL Planet Killer with LED interior, Vger and the DS9 XL or K9 station models which could be used as bases. There is also a Regular One station that again is nearly in scale with Micromachines Miranda and Constitution though a little large.

Master Replicas have now lost their Star Trek licence but they released a  lot of product so there is a lot available on the secondary market.

With the high costs and other issues the print your own solution again is a better strategy. But if you want to pick are range of compatible large scale ships for gaming it can be an interesting challenge.

Planet Killer