Used to move people and materials from ship to ship or ship to planet. They are sometimes used offensively to beam a boarding party onto another ship as seen in The Search For Spock and the Borg in The Best of Both Worlds. They are not used to beam offensive weapons onto other ships or space and then detonating them. In The Balance of Terror the Romulan commander uses disposal tubes to jettison the nuclear warheads not a transporter.
Transporters have a limited range. They can’t be used at warp, due to the range and warp bubble blocking the transporter lock. They can’t be used through deflector shields as they block the transporter signal, as do transporter inhibitors.
Simplified boarding actions will be possible but it’s not going to be fought out like Space Crusade.
Beaming things in and out, but not transporter bombs as it doesn’t happen. The time they are used are for boarding parties such as in Star Trek III the Search for Spock. Transporters have a limited range and you cannot transport through shields. You need to get a transporter lock on the target or target location. The transporter is a ship system and it is the system that gets the lock. A transporter can beam in 6 personnel at a time.
Boarding actions from cross dimensions. Transporter range 3MU. Transporter lock attained 3 or above and one less for every subsequent try. So second try 2 or above and third time always succeeds.