
Disruptors  in Star Trek

In Star Trek the Disruptor is the main weapon of the Klingon Empire. These range from hand weapons to those mounted on the D7.  The weapon first appears in the episode A Taste of Armageddon where it is shown as a sonic weapon.  There are ship based disruptors shown in the Star Trek the original series episode Elaan of Troyius. Obviously being a sonic disruptor is space doesn't make any sense and so it's more likely the space bourne version uses molecular disruption from the green energy pulse. 

This makes the disruptor more akin to being hit with a club rather than the stabbing of a rapier like the phaser. Disruptors are stopped by deflector screens as shown in the episode A Taste of Armageddon where the planetary disruptors are stopped by the Enterprise having the screens up when they fire. The same in Elaan of Troyius the screens stop the initial attack.

Disruptor is the designation of several types of weapons in common use among many races in the galaxy including the  Klingons, & Romulans. Thought originally called sonic disruptors the lack of sound in space makes the original description implausible. Instead there are matter disruptors that break the atomic bonds at the molecular level. The disruptor is shorter ranged and has a lower rate of fire but discharges more destructive energy. Range 200,000 km.

Klingon D7 fires disruptors

The other primary reference if the Bird of Prey Attack on the freighter in Star Trek III. Although a brief scene it shows the power of the weapons nicely. These are more like the pulsed phasers in Star Trek The Wrath of Khan and sound similar with a hissing burning sound. Unlike the more sonic burp of the original  series version.

Disruptors in Full Thrust

The original Full Thrust rules don't have a disruptor type weapon. Other systems put the disruptor as a powerful but shorter ranged weapon than the phaser. 

The proposed disruptor weapon has three classes.  The number of D6 to roll are shown for each range band. The standard to hit mechanics are used 4 or 5 rolled is one damage point 6 rolled is two damage points. There are no penetrating rerolls. Disruptors do not by-pass shields.

Range 0 - 6 6 - 12 12 - 18 18 - 24

Class 1 2 x D6 1 x D6

Class 2 3 x D6 2 x D6 1 x D6

Class 3 4 x D6 3 x D6 2 x D6 1 x D6