Turn Sequence

Turn Sequence

This is a summary of the full game turn sequence that should be followed if players are using all the options and new rules listed in this website.

Write orders for all ships

Roll for initiative

Both/all players roll a D6 each – highest roll has initiative for this turn.

Move ships

Both players simultaneously move their ships, strictly in accordance with orders written in phase 1. Fighter groups currently acting as fighter screens are moved at the same time as the ship they are screening, and must remain within the screening distance of the ship.

Ships fire

Starting with the player who WON the initiative roll in phase 2, each player alternates in firing any/all weapon systems on ONE ship at one or more targets subject to available fire control. Damage caused is applied immediately, and threshold damage checks are made where applicable as soon as all weapons fired by one ship at that one target have been used.

Turn end

Players confirm that all actions for the turn have been completed as necessary. Any untargeted torpedo counters are removed from play. The next turn may now commence.